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Case study: Unlocking Profits and reducing cost via technology and innovation.

How Smile Direct has built a $2 Billion business by bringing innovation to an existing, underserved industry.

One look at Smile Direct Club's business - And by “business” I mean what the company does at its most basic level - and it is clear to understand the appeal the company’s offerings have to its core demographic.

We all dread those periodic trips to the dentist’s office. Or any medical professional’s office for that matter.

smile direct club usa

For some of us, these are occasional pilgrimages that simply prove to be medically and aesthetically necessary, but inconvenient, time-consuming, and expensive.

How Smile Direct has built a $2 Billion business by bringing innovation to an existing, underserved industry.quent due to the nature of the services/treatment needed.

For those in this predicament, The challenges associated with cost-of-service, and inconvenience are acutely felt as compared to the rest of us.

Such is the case when talking about clear aligners and associated goods and services.

The Nashville, TN-based publicly-traded firm’s main product and operating segment is the sale of those sleek, modern, clear aligners.



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